Thursday, July 1, 2010

China. Frist Impressions

On a business trip to Wuxi, China, near Shanghai.  I was expecting that I may have challenges with accessing sites and unfortunately, the concerns were real.  Finally found a workaround to post. 

The experiences here are interesting.  The city of Wuxi (Wooshe) is a modern city with more construction of apartment towers than I've ever seen.  Tower cranes are everywhere; sprouting like weeds after a summer rain.  The thing that strikes me the most is the friendliness of the people in this city.  I can walk freely around.  People stare and lots smile at you.  Some want to try out their English.  As bad as the language is, its better than my speaking theirs.

Got to Shanghai last Saturday after a grinding 14 hour flight.  Stayed at a nice hotel then took a train to Wuxi on Sunday morning.  These guys got it right with the mass transit.  We could learn something from this. 

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you made it safe and sound! Hope you remeber your enthusiasm for the mass transit -- and that it translates into some appropriate political activism when you get back home!
