Monday, February 25, 2013

A Good Run Club

I'm sitting in Miami for American Welding Society D1 Meetings and missing the late winter storm heading to Detroit. Rats!  As I sit hear listing to the planes overhead landing in Miami, I'm thinking about the Downtown Runners and Walkers who will meet on Tuesday  in the driving snow and run their 4 or 6 mile trots.  I'll sit outside in the 85 degree heat on Tuesday.

I've been so lucky to meet some unique and quite nice runners, walkers, and "fans".  A few that come to mind that have so enriched my life are Kacey, Rudy, Marcus, Lusire, Brian, and Leah.  Each one of these gems are unique and very independent in their own way and the richness that each one leads to my life is beyond anything that I could have hoped for.

Sometimes in this life a person makes a decision that alters the path in life.  Glad to say that the decision I made to run with DTRW was one of those.  So thank you Leah to prod me to pick up the writing and to the others for the smiles they bring.

Now I can't wait to heal this damaged hamstring and run again with this group.

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